Gangopadhyay, A NSharma, S PGopal, S CGupta, D KPanjawani, KSinha, J K1996-01-012009-05-271996-01-012009-05-271996-01-01Gangopadhyay AN, Sharma SP, Gopal SC, Gupta DK, Panjawani K, Sinha JK. Local steroid therapy in cutaneous hemangiomas. Indian Pediatrics. 1996 Jan; 33(1): 31-3 To evaluate the efficacy of intralesional triamcinolone in enhancing regression in various type of hemangiomas. SETTING: Outpatients department of a teaching hospital Subjects: One hundred and five patients with rapidly growing surface hemangioma. The age ranged from 1 month to 15 months (mean 7 months). INTERVENTION: Intralesional triamcinolone administered at monthly intervals, ranging from single injection to 7 injections (mean 3.6 injections). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Regression of the hemangioma. RESULTS: The overall response rate was 88.6% (excellent 51.4%, and good 37.2%). Maximum response was observed in children below 1 year of age (> 90%), lesions over the face (92.8%) and strawberry hemangiomas (99.9%). CONCLUSION: Intralesional administration of triamcinolone devoid of systemic side effects and an effective initial modality for rapidly growing hermangiomas.engEvaluation Studies as TopicFemaleGlucocorticoids --administration & dosageHemangioma --drug therapyHumansInfantInjections, IntralesionalMaleSkin Neoplasms --drug therapyTreatment OutcomeTriamcinolone --administration & dosageLocal steroid therapy in cutaneous hemangiomas.Journal Article