Samantaray, SagarikaRout, NiranjanMishra, Debi PrasadMallik, Rabi Narayan2003-10-182009-05-292003-10-182009-05-292003-10-18Samantaray S, Rout N, Mishra DP, Mallik RN. Proliferating Brenner tumour of ovary--a case report. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 2003 Oct; 46(4): 641-2 cell tumours or Brenner tumours of ovary are uncommon neoplasms. Out of all the Brenner tumours less than 2% are either proliferating or malignant type. Borderline or malignant tumours occur in women who are on an average 10 years older than those with benign tumours. It is essential to categorise these tumours as benign, borderline or malignant type as the biologic behaviour and choice of surgery differs in all of the three categories. The gross and microscopic findings of a proliferating brenner tumour are reported here.engBrenner Tumor --pathologyCell DivisionFemaleHumansMiddle AgedOvarian Neoplasms --pathologyProliferating Brenner tumour of ovary--a case report.Case Reports