Bhatt, MSarangi, GPaty, B PMohapatra, DChayani, NMahapatra, ADas, PSahoo, D2015-03-212015-03-212015-01Bhatt M, Sarangi G, Paty B P, Mohapatra D, Chayani N, Mahapatra A, Das P, Sahoo D. Biofilm as a virulence marker in Candida species in Nosocomial blood stream infection and its correlation with antifungal resistance. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2015 Feb ; 33 (5_Suppl):s112-114. blood stream infections (BSI) due to fungi especially Candida is increasing steadily. A two year prospective study was conducted in the S.C.B. Medical College with an aim to evaluate the species distribution, antifungal susceptibility and biofi lm formation of Candida spp. isolated from nosocomial BSIs. 34 Candida spp. were isolated from 359 blood cultures. Antifungal susceptibility was performed by microbroth dilution technique and both visual and spectrophotometric method were used for biofi lm detection. C. tropicalis was the common spp. isolated followed by C. parapsilosis and others. Most (92%) of the isolates were susceptible to Amphoterecin-B and highest resistance was observed against Flucytosine (37%) and Fluconazole(35%). Biofi lm production and antifungal resistance was observed more in nonalbicans Candida spp.enBiofi lmBSICandidemianon-albicans candidaBiofilm as a virulence marker in Candida species in Nosocomial blood stream infection and its correlation with antifungal resistance.Article