Ghimire, MBhattacharya, S KNarain, J P2012-07-112012-07-112012-04Ghimire M, Bhattacharya S K, Narain J P. Pneumonia in South-East Asia Region: Public health perspective. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2012 Apr; 135(4): 459-468., pneumonia is the leading cause of death in young children and burden of disease is disproportionately high in South-East Asia Region of WHO. This review article presents the current status of pneumonia disease burden, risk factors and the ability of health infrastructure to deal with the situation. Literature survey was done for the last 20 years and data from country offices were also collected. The estimated incidence of pneumonia in under five children is 0.36 episodes per child, per year. Risk factors are malnutrition (40% in India), Indoor air pollution, non-breast feeding, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, etc. Strengthening of health care delivery system for early detection and treatment and as well as minimization of preventable risk factors can avert a large proportion of death due to pneumonia.enCase managementcausative organismsdisease burdenpneumoniapreventive interventionsrisk factorsCase ManagementChildCost of IllnessHumansInfantPneumonia --epidemiologyPneumonia --prevention & controlAsia, Southeastern --epidemiologyRisk FactorsWorld Health OrganizationPneumonia in South-East Asia Region: Public health perspective.Article