Kumar, AAhuja, M MChattopadhyay, T KPadhy, A KGupta, A KKapila, KGoel, A KKarmarker, M G1992-05-012009-05-311992-05-012009-05-311992-05-01Kumar A, Ahuja MM, Chattopadhyay TK, Padhy AK, Gupta AK, Kapila K, Goel AK, Karmarker MG. Fine needle aspiration cytology, sonography and radionuclide scanning in solitary thyroid nodule. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. 1992 May; 40(5): 302-6http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/93007One hundred and ninety three consecutive patients with solitary thyroid nodule (STN), with a mean age of 36.0 +/- 12.8 years and male to female ratio of 5.6:1, were studied. Ninety five percent of patients came from iodine deficient regions. Seventy two percent presented for local neck swelling, 12.4% for hyperthyroid state and in 7.7% STN was discovered incidentally. Scintigraphically, 77.7% of nodules were cold, 12.4% hot and 8.5% warm. Sonographic evaluation did not reveal any characteristic echotexture diagnostic of malignancy, but detected clinically nonpalpable accessory nodules in 20.6% of patients. Fine needle aspiration cytology was positive for malignancy in 6.2% of patients. Features of follicular and Hurthle cell neoplasm were seen in 12.9% of aspirates. Eighty eight (45.6%) STN were resected surgically. Histologically, there was one false positive and one false negative aspirate and a case of parathyroid adenoma on aspiration proved to be parathyroid carcinoma on histology.engAdultBiopsy, NeedleFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedSensitivity and SpecificityThyroid Diseases --diagnosisThyroid Nodule --pathologyFine needle aspiration cytology, sonography and radionuclide scanning in solitary thyroid nodule.Comparative Study