Parshad, V R2009-05-282009-05-281989-11-01Parshad VR. Conditioned taste aversion in lesser bandicoot rat, Bandicota bengalensis. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 1989 Nov; 27(11): 980-2 lesser bandicoot rat after ingesting a sublethal dose of 0.025% zinc phosphide, in preferred food millet (Pennisetum typhoides) grains, for 4 days, showed aversion for 5-6 days towards plain millet offered in choice with the less preferred sorghum (Sorghum vulgare) grains. The aversion response to nontoxic bait was stronger (aversion index greater than 0.7) for first 3-4 days in individual and for 1-2 days in paired rats. 100% or more shift in aversion index from pre-treatment to post-treatment periods indicated that the aversive and naive partners of the heterosexual and unisexual female pairs mutually influence the feeding preferences of each other as a result of which they showed aversion for first 2-3 days to the plain food in which poison was given to one of the partner earlier.engAdministration, OralAnimal FeedAnimalsConditioning (Psychology)FemaleFood PreferencesMaleMuridae --physiologyPhosphines --administration & dosageRodenticides --administration & dosageTasteZinc --administration & dosageZinc CompoundsConditioned taste aversion in lesser bandicoot rat, Bandicota bengalensis.Journal Article