Chinoy, R FPradhan, S A1990-04-012009-05-291990-04-012009-05-291990-04-01Chinoy RF, Pradhan SA. Intractable diarrhea and melena in an AIDS patient. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology. 1990 Apr; 9(2): 159-60 young Arab male, clinically suspected to have ulcerative colitis, was operated upon for fulminant intractable diarrhea with melena. The colon showed severe necrotizing and hemorrhagic colitis which was attributed to an opportunistic infection, viz cytomegalovirus infection. The patient's immunocompromised state was a consequence of AIDS, proved by ELISA and Western Blot test. He subsequently developed multiple brain abscesses and succumbed to uncontrolled infection.engAcquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome --complicationsAdultBrain Abscess --complicationsColitis, Ulcerative --complicationsCytomegalovirus Infections --complicationsDiarrhea --complicationsHumansMaleMelena --complicationsIntractable diarrhea and melena in an AIDS patient.Case Reports