Amar J S Klar2015-08-062015-08-062010-03Klar Amar J S. A proposal for re-defi ning the way the aetiology of schizophrenia and bipolar human psychiatric diseases is investigated. Journal of Biosciences. 2010 Mar; 35(1): 11-15.“The two big problems – the nature of development and the nature of the mind – are being subdued. I don’t know whether there will be beautiful, general theories to come out of this – something really nice like Watson and Crick’s double helix – or whether there will be an accumulation of more and more details. I’ll confess to a secret hope for the former” (Crow 2000).enA proposal for re-defi ning the way the aetiology of schizophrenia and bipolar human psychiatric diseases is investigated.Article