Dhar, AChawla, YDhiman, R KGulati, MSuri, SDilawari, J1997-04-012009-06-041997-04-012009-06-041997-04-01Dhar A, Chawla Y, Dhiman RK, Gulati M, Suri S, Dilawari J. Bifid pancreas: a case report. Tropical Gastroenterology. 1997 Apr-Jun; 18(2): 75-7http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/125224Bifid pancreas is a rare anatomical anomaly in which the main pancreatic duct is bifurcated along its length. Although the pancreatographic appearance has been described in the literature, there is no mention of the computerised tomographic appearance of this condition. We report a case of bifid pancreas with the ERCP and CT appearances, who also had alcohol induced changes of chronic pancreatitis.engAlcoholism --complicationsCholangiopancreatography, Endoscopic RetrogradeHumansMaleMiddle AgedPancreatic Ducts --abnormalitiesTomography, X-Ray ComputedBifid pancreas: a case report.Case Reports