Pai-Dhungat, J VParikh, Falguni2007-03-302009-05-312007-03-302009-05-312007-03-30Pai-Dhungat JV, Parikh F. Medical philately (medical theme on stamps). Johannes Purkinje (1787-1869). Postal stamps issued by Czechoslovakia on Purkinje 1937, 1987 commenmorating his 150th and 200th birth anniversary (with kinetoscope). Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. 2007 Mar; 55(): 244, 19th CenturyHumansPhilatelyPhysiology --historyPurkinje CellsPurkinje FibersMedical philately (medical theme on stamps). Johannes Purkinje (1787-1869). Postal stamps issued by Czechoslovakia on Purkinje 1937, 1987 commenmorating his 150th and 200th birth anniversary (with kinetoscope).Biography