Kodlady, NaveenaPatgiri, B JHarisha, C RShukla, V J2016-02-162016-02-162012-01Kodlady Naveena, B J Patgiri, C R Harisha, V J Shukla. Pharmacognostical and physicochemical analysis of Tamarindus indica Linn stem. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. 2012 Jan-Mar; 3(1): 6-9.0975-9476http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/173084Tamarindus indica Linn. fruits (Chincha) are extensively used in culinary preparations in Indian civilization. Its vast medicinal uses are documented in Ayurvedic classics and it can be used singly or as a component of various formulations. Besides fruit, the Kasta (wood) of T. indica L. is also important and used to prepare Kshara (alkaline extract) an Ayurvedic dosage form. Pharmacognostical and physicochemical details of Chincha Kasta are not available in authentic literature including API (Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India). The study is an attempt in this direction. T. indica L. stem with heartwood was selected and morphological, microscopic and physicochemical standardization characters along with TLC fi nger print, and fl uorescence analysis were documented. Transverse section of stem showed important characters such as phelloderm, stone cells layer, fi ber groups, calcium oxalate, crystal fi bers, and tylosis in heartwood region. Four characteristic spots were observed under UV long wave, in thin layer chromatography with the solvent combination of toluene: ethyl acetate (8:2). The study can help correct identifi cation and standardization of this plant material.enAyurvedaChinchapowder microscopytamarindthin layer chromatographyPharmacognostical and physicochemical analysis of Tamarindus indica Linn stem.Article