Sharma, S PGopal, S CGangopadhyay, A NGupta, D KChansuria, J P1994-07-012009-05-301994-07-012009-05-301994-07-01Sharma SP, Gopal SC, Gangopadhyay AN, Gupta DK, Chansuria JP. Estimation of tissue DNA content in Wilm's tumour. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 1994 Jul-Aug; 61(4): 347-50 genome, is affected by malignant processes. Estimation of DNA content was carried out biochemically using Gile's and Myer's technique to assess its prognostic value in 21 cases of Wilm's tumour. The DNA content of tumour tissue and normal adjoining renal tissue was estimated in each case. The DNA content was significantly higher in Wilm's tumour tissue as compared to normal renal tissue (p < 0.05). As the disease advanced, the DNA content of the tumour further increased. The tumours having unfavourable histology had significantly higher DNA content as compared to favourable histology cases (p < 0.001). Similarly, the patients who died because of the disease, had a very high DNA content as compared to those who survived. Further, it was seen that two fold increase in DNA content indicated advanced stage (III & IV), whereas a three fold or more increase indicated grave prognosis as it was usually seen in advanced stage with unfavourable histology and such cases died early. Thus, the DNA content estimation has a prognostic significance in Wilm's tumour.engChild, PreschoolDNA --analysisDNA, Neoplasm --analysisFemaleGenome, HumanHumansKidney --chemistryKidney Neoplasms --chemistryMalePrognosisSurvival RateWilms Tumor --chemistryEstimation of tissue DNA content in Wilm's tumour.Comparative Study