Mangalgiri, Ashutosh S.Pathak, S.A.2010-02-022010-06-012010-02-022010-06-012008-07Mangalgiri Ashutosh S, Pathak SA. Cytogenetics in recurrent abortions. People’s Journal of Scientific Research. 2008 Jul; 1: 5-8. present study comprised of 40 couples with bad obstetric history. Aim of the study was to find out whether any specific chromosomal abnormalities exist in couples with recurrent abortions. Karyotyping with ‘G’ banding was done. The study revealed that, out of 80 positive metaphases, chromosomal anomalies were seen in 3 cases (3.75%). The abnormal karyotypes seen were 45XX,t(21;21), 45XY,t(13;21), 45XY,t(15;15). These translocations are known as Robertsonian translocaitons, which occur between D and G group of chromosomes.enRecurrent abortionTranslocaitonChromosomal aberotionsAbortion, HabitualTranslocation, GeneticChromosome Aberrations --analysisCytogenetics in recurrent abortions.Article