Singh, M MDevi, RGarg, SMehra, M2001-04-232009-05-292001-04-232009-05-292001-04-23Singh MM, Devi R, Garg S, Mehra M. Effectiveness of syndromic approach in management of reproductive tract infections in women. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2001 Apr; 55(4): 209-14 approach was used to identify reproductive tract infections (RTI) by a trained public health nurse among 130 ever-married women aged 15-45 years selected by a systematic random sampling method in a resettlement colony, Chandigarh. A lady medical officer in the dispensary examined and treated 48 (37%) referred symptomatic women as per syndromic approach guidelines. They were suffering from vaginitis (52.1%), cervicitis (20.8%), pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) (14.6%), urinary tract infections and PID (4.2%) and 4 did not have any clinical abnormality. Poor menstrual hygiene was observed among 72.7% women with RTI. Follow-up done after one month showed effectiveness in terms of symptomatic relied in 72.7% while 9.1% discontinued treatment and 4.5% did not comply with the medications. Training of nurses, health workers, dais, anganwadi workers regarding RTI identification and referral using syndromic approach and promotion of menstrual hygiene, genital hygiene and health care seeking behaviour would help in reducing the burden of RTI in the community.engAdolescentAdultFemaleGenital Diseases, Female --diagnosisHumansHygieneIndia --epidemiologyInfection --diagnosisTreatment OutcomeEffectiveness of syndromic approach in management of reproductive tract infections in women.Journal Article