Saxena, SSharma, KKumar, SurendraSand, N KRao, P B2004-10-242009-06-022004-10-242009-06-022004-10-24Saxena S, Sharma K, Kumar S, Sand NK, Rao PB. Interference of three weed extracts on uptake of nutrient in three different varieties of paddy through radio tracer techniques. Journal of Environmental Biology. 2004 Oct; 25(4): 387-93 of three dominant weed extracts viz., Ageratum conyzoides L., Melilotus indica All. and Parthenium hysterophorus L. were examined on seed germination, seedling growth, and nutrient uptake (32P and 65Zn) in three different varieties (PD-10, PD-12 and PB) of paddy (Oryza sativa L.). Among the three different varieties irrespective of weed extracts, PD-10 and PD-12 were resistant and PB was susceptible in terms of seed germination, radicle length and plumule dry weight; and PD-12 and PB were resistant and susceptible, respectively, in terms of plumule length and total seedling dry weight. A. conyzoides caused maximum reduction in seed germination and M. indica in seedling growth in different varieties of paddy. The weed extracts interfered in uptake of both 32P and 65Zn and there was a gradual decrease in uptake of both nutrients with increasing concentration of extracts in both root and shoot. The uptake of 32P and 65Zn was more inhibitory with the extracts of A. conyzoides and M. indica, respectively in different varieties. The inhibition in seed germination, seedling growth and nutrient uptake may be due to the presence of phenolics and other secondary metabolities. The phenolics such as gallic, vanillic, protocatechuic and p-hydroxybenzoic acids were identified from these weed extracts.engAnalysis of VarianceAsteraceae --chemistryChromatography, High Pressure LiquidGermination --drug effectsIndiaMelilotus --chemistryOryza sativa --drug effectsPhenols --analysisPhosphorus Radioisotopes --pharmacokineticsPlant Extracts --chemistryScintillation CountingSpecies SpecificityZinc Radioisotopes --pharmacokineticsInterference of three weed extracts on uptake of nutrient in three different varieties of paddy through radio tracer techniques.Comparative Study