Rahatekar, Dr. Hemant M.Upadhye, Dr. Jayant V.Upadhye, Dr. Aditi J.Upadhye, Dr. Jayshree J.2023-07-212023-07-212022-09Rahatekar Dr. Hemant M., Upadhye Dr. Jayant V., Upadhye Dr. Aditi J., Upadhye Dr. Jayshree J.. ATTITUDE OF DOCTORS TOWARDS EUTHANASIA. Global Journal For Research Analysis . 2022 Sep; 11(9): 10-122277-8160http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/220608Background- Those who are pro euthanasia believe that such act eliminates the patient's pain and suffering. Right to die allows the person to die with dignity. But euthanasia may involve taking a human's life, The present study evaluates the attitude of doctors involved in care of critically ill patients towards euthanasia. Material & methods- A survey on Euthanasia was conducted amongst 100 doctors involved in the treatment of critically ill patients of various ailments at ICARE institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre & B.C.Roy Hospital, Haldia, West Bengal, India, to ?nd out their attitude towards euthanasia. In present study, majority i.e., 64 (64%) subjects were between 31-40 years, Results- 24 (24%) subjects were between 41-50 years, 10 (10%) subjects were between 51-60 years while 2 (2%) subjects were more than 60 years. 56(28%) subjects were females while 44 (44%) subjects were males. 4 (4%) were Neurophysician, 5 (5%) were Neurosurgeon, 32 (32%) were Critical care consultant, 19 (19%) were Anesthetist, 34 (34%) were, 6 (6%) were Surgeon. 89 (89%) (81.2-94.4%, 95%CI) subjects were anti-euthanasia. In majority of circumstances, 89 (89%) subjects said they will not give euthanasia while 11 (11%) (5.6-18.8%, 95%CI) subjects said they will give euthanasia. Though the Supreme Court Conclusion- judgement has provided a major boost, it is a long way to go before it becomes a law. Also, its misuse remains a major issue.Euthanasiaphysician-assisted suicidepalliative caredie with dignityATTITUDE OF DOCTORS TOWARDS EUTHANASIAJournal ArticleIndiaAssistant Professor, Department of Anesthesia, ICARE institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre & B.C.Roy Hospital, Haldia, West Bengal, IndiaAssistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Shree Narayan Medical Institute & Hospital ,Bihar, IndiaMedical Of?cer, Upadhye Hospital, Nagpur, M.S. IndiaProfessor, Department of Gynecology & Obstetrics, Varun Arjun Medical college, Shahjahanpur, U.P. India *Corresponding Author