Chhina, ShivjotGakhar, AbhishekMavi, SunnyKalra, Shradha2015-07-102015-07-102015-03Chhina Shivjot, Gakhar Abhishek,Mavi Sunny, Kalra Shradha. Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma: A Case Report & Review of Literature. IJSS Case Reports & Reviews. 2015 Mar; 1(10): 61-64. enlargements are commonly seen especially localized. Most of these enlargements are non-neoplastic and rather reactive by nature. On clinical examination, it is not always possible to differentiate one specific gingival enlargement from other. Clinically, differentiating one from the other as a specific entity is often not possible. To identify these lesions, histopathological examination is required. One of such seen entities is peripheral ossifying fibroma (POF) that is diagnosed by histopathological examination. Peripheral ossifying is a reactive benign lesion. A clinical report of 23 years old male with POF maxillary left canine and premolar region is reported with treatment and 1-year follow-up.enEnlargementHistopathologicalPeripheral ossifying fibromaCuspid --surgeryFibroma, Ossifying --anatomy & histologyFibroma, Ossifying --classificationFibroma, Ossifying --pathologyFibroma, Ossifying --surgeryFollow-Up StudiesGingiva --surgeryHumansIncisor --surgeryMaleReview Literature as TopicYoung AdultPeripheral Ossifying Fibroma: A Case Report & Review of Literature.Article