Mori, PankilMaheshwari, PragyaSwarup, PrernaBajaj, KamalPardal, PK2024-09-242024-09-242023-10Mori Pankil, Maheshwari Pragya, Swarup Prerna, Bajaj Kamal, Pardal PK . Dermatitis Artefacta in a Young Female: A Case Report. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research. 2023 Oct; 10(10): 11-122393-915X2454-7379 artefacta is a self-inflicted dermatological condition where the underlying motive is to assume a sick role. The act of self-harm is to discharge the inner sense of isolation and emotional distress, which is too great to endure. Rarity may be attributed to masquerading presentation, leading to misdiagno? sis and paucity of awareness among the physicians. Lack of proper identification of the under? lying psychiatric disturbances may be the major cause of the loss of follow-ups. we were fortunate enough to identify the emotional need of the patient. A flexible, non con?frontational yet strong therapeutic rapport is required to improve the therapeutic outcomes.. This case report highlights a 19 year old young unmarried female patient, who presented to OPD with multiple skin lesions on accessible parts of her body, she was carrying prescriptions from multiple dermatologists. She was admitted in psychiatry ward for further observationDermatitis ArtefactaDermatitis Artefacta in a Young FemaleDermatitis Artefacta in a Young Female: A Case ReportJournal ArticleIndiaJunior Resident, Department of PsychiatryJunior Resident, Department of PsychiatryJunior Resident, Department of PsychiatrySenior Resident, Department of PsychiatryHOD and Professor, Department of Psychiatry, India