Ruangvutilert, PornpimolSutantawibul, AnuwatSunsaneevithayakul, PrasertLimwongse, Chanin2009-05-272009-05-272003-05-16Ruangvutilert P, Sutantawibul A, Sunsaneevithayakul P, Limwongse C. Ultrasonographic prenatal diagnosis of Treacher Collins syndrome: a case report. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand. 2003 May; 86(5): 482-8 Thangphaet.A case of Treacher Collins syndrome (TCS) diagnosed prenatally using ultrasonography is reported. The pregnant woman was gravida 2, para 0. Her husband had stigmata of the syndrome. Ultrasonography revealed polyhydramnios, abnormal fetal ears and marked micrognathia. Abortion occurred spontaneously at 26 weeks of gestation. The abortus bore clinical features of the syndrome.engAbortion, SpontaneousAdultFemaleGestational AgeHumansMandibulofacial Dysostosis --ultrasonographyPregnancyThailandUltrasonography, PrenatalUltrasonographic prenatal diagnosis of Treacher Collins syndrome: a case report.Case Reports