Dutta, SourabhNarang, Anil2003-03-272009-05-272003-03-272009-05-272003-03-27Dutta S, Narang A. Drug resistant neonatal Candida tropicalis septicemia. Did it cause diaphragmatic hernia? Indian Pediatrics. 2003 Mar; 40(3): 261-4http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/14510A full-term, 3 kg baby girl developed early onset Candida tropicalis septicemia. The fungus was resistant to amphotericin B, fluconazole and itraconazole. She developed an acquired diaphragmatic hernia during the course of the infection. The possible association of the hernia with the fungal sepsis is discussed. She improved on treatment with 4-flucytosine and after being operated for the hernia.engCandida tropicalis --isolation & purificationCandidiasis --complicationsDrug Resistance, FungalFemaleFungemia --etiologyHernia, Diaphragmatic --etiologyHumansInfant, NewbornDrug resistant neonatal Candida tropicalis septicemia. Did it cause diaphragmatic hernia?Case Reports