Yarra, PGogineni, RCKanuru, CKolli, HThota, MKPolisetty, S.2024-11-302024-11-302024-08Yarra P, Gogineni RC, Kanuru C, Kolli H, Thota MK, Polisetty S.. A retrospective study of predisposing factors and management of incisional hernia in a tertiary care hospital . International Surgery Journal. 2024 Aug; 11(8): 1297-13012349-33052349-2902https://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/236385Background: An incisional hernia is characterized as any defect in the abdominal wall, with or without a noticeable bulge, in the region of a postoperative scar, identifiable through clinical examination or imaging. This condition can be detected through clinical examination or imaging and affects approximately 10-20% of patients who undergo abdominal operations. Aims and objectives of the study was to evaluate various precipitating factors, clinical presentations, management and post-operative complications in patients with incisional hernia. Methods: A retrospective study of 150 patients conducted at a tertiary care teaching hospital. Results: In this study, incisional hernia was more common in obese, elderly, and female patients. The incidence was higher with Pfannenstiel incision followed by lower midline incisions. Incisional hernia was common between 1-5 years of index surgery and it was observed that more the risk factors and complications associated with index surgery, earlier was the onset of incisional hernia. Patients had a defect of size <4x4 cm were 58.66%. Open onlay mesh repair was done in 36.66% patients, preperitoneal mesh repair in 13.33%, retro rectus mesh repair in 13.33%, laparoscopic mesh repair in 28.66% and anatomical repair alone in 7.99% patients. Duration of laparoscopic surgery was longer compared to open. Most common post- operative complication was seroma (4.66%) followed by wound infection (2.66%). Conclusions: Incisional hernias occur more in females as they commonly undergo lower abdominal surgeries. Subcutaneous suction drain decreased the incidence of post-operative wound complications.Incisional herniaPost-operative herniaScar herniaA retrospective study of predisposing factors and management of incisional hernia in a tertiary care hospitalJournal ArticleIndiaDepartment of General Surgery, Dr. PSIMS and RF, Chinnaoutapalli, Gannavaram, Andhra Pradesh, IndiaDepartment of General Surgery, Dr. PSIMS and RF, Chinnaoutapalli, Gannavaram, Andhra Pradesh, IndiaDepartment of General Surgery, Dr. PSIMS and RF, Chinnaoutapalli, Gannavaram, Andhra Pradesh, IndiaDepartment of General Surgery, Dr. PSIMS and RF, Chinnaoutapalli, Gannavaram, Andhra Pradesh, IndiaDepartment of General Surgery, Dr. PSIMS and RF, Chinnaoutapalli, Gannavaram, Andhra Pradesh, IndiaDepartment of General Surgery, Dr. PSIMS and RF, Chinnaoutapalli, Gannavaram, Andhra Pradesh, India