Tay, S TRohani, M YHo, T MDevi, S2009-05-272009-05-272002-12-22Tay ST, Rohani MY, Ho TM, Devi S. Isolation and PCR detection of rickettsiae from clinical and rodent samples in Malaysia. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2002 Dec; 33(4): 772-9http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/34415The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health.Isolation of rickettsiae from patients' blood samples and organ samples of wild rodents from areas with high seroprevalence of rickettsial infections was attempted using cell culture assay and animal passages. L929 mouse fibroblast cells grown in 24 well tissue culture plate were inoculated with buffy coat of febrile patients and examined for the growth of rickettsiae by Giemsa, Gimenez staining and direct immunofluorescence assay. No rickettsiae were isolated from 48 patients' blood samples. No symptomatic infections were noted in mice or guinea pigs infected with 50 organ samples of wild rodents. There was no rickettsial DNA amplified from these samples using various PCR detection systems for Orientia tsutsugamushi, typhus and spotted fever group rickettsiae.engAdolescentAdultAgedAnimalsAntibodies, Bacterial --bloodAzure StainsCell Culture TechniquesChildDNA, Bacterial --analysisFemaleFluorescent Antibody Technique, DirectGuinea PigsHumansImmunoenzyme TechniquesMalaysia --epidemiologyMaleMiceMiddle AgedPolymerase Chain Reaction --methodsPopulation SurveillanceRickettsia --classificationRickettsia Infections --bloodRodent Diseases --bloodRodentiaSeroepidemiologic StudiesIsolation and PCR detection of rickettsiae from clinical and rodent samples in Malaysia.Journal Article