Basu, DebdattaBundele, Manish2005-10-222009-05-292005-10-222009-05-292005-10-22Basu D, Bundele M. Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma obscured by concomitant florid epithelioid cell granulomatous reaction--a case report. Indian Journal of Pathology & Microbiology. 2005 Oct; 48(4): 500-2 cell granuloma occurs in association with many neoplasms including lymphoma. However they have rarely obscured the microscopic features of a lymphoma. We report on a case where a florid epithelioid cell granulomatous reaction caused difficulty in interpretation and delayed the final diagnosis of a case of peripheral T cell lymphoma of the angioimmunoblastic type. We draw attention to this unusual phenomenon because of its practical implications.engDiagnosis, DifferentialEpithelioid Cells --pathologyGranuloma --pathologyHumansImmunoblastic Lymphadenopathy --pathologyLymphadenitis --diagnosisLymphoma, T-Cell, Peripheral --diagnosisMaleMiddle AgedAngioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma obscured by concomitant florid epithelioid cell granulomatous reaction--a case report.Case Reports