Mangaraj, SSethy, GPatro, M KPadhi, S2015-03-182015-03-182014-10Mangaraj S, Sethy G, Patro M K, Padhi S. A rare case of subcutaneous mucormycosis due to Syncephalastrum racemosum: Case report and review of literature. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2014 Oct-Dec ; 32 (4): 448-451. represent a group of uncommon but potentially fatal fungal infections. The incidence of zygomycosis has increased manifold in recent years. Despite aggressive treatment, it can lead to a highly invasive disease state with fatal outcomes, especially among immuno‑compromised. Syncephalastrum racemosum is a fungus belonging to Zygomycetes. Very few cases of human disease caused by this particular fungus have been documented. However, it has been clearly implicated in causing highly invasive disease in recent reported cases. Knowledge about the pathogenicity and clinical presentation of this rare fungal infection will alert the clinicians for instituting an early appropriate therapy leading to better outcomes.enMucormycosisSubcutaneous mucormycosisSyncephalastrum racemosumA rare case of subcutaneous mucormycosis due to Syncephalastrum racemosum: Case report and review of literature.Article