Debnath, BidyutBiswas, Sumitra KumarMallick, Asim Kumar2008-08-042009-05-312008-08-042009-05-312008-08-04Debnath B, Biswas SK, Mallick AK. Omental cyst masquerading as ascites. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. 2008 Aug; 106(8): 536-7 children presented with massive generalised enlargement of abdomen simulating ascites. Common medical causes being excluded. They were treated with antituberculous drugs without any response until the radiological features suggested and surgical exploration proved the condition to be omental cyst.engAscites --diagnosisChild, PreschoolCysts --diagnosisFemaleHumansMaleOmentum --pathologyPeritoneal Diseases --diagnosisOmental cyst masquerading as ascites.Case Reports