Anusha, KKumar, Ravindra2016-03-122016-03-122016-01Anusha K, Kumar Ravindra. Electrocardiographic and Echocardiographic Evaluation of Heart in Newly Diagnosed Hypothyroid Patients. Annals of International Medical and Dental Research. 2016 Jan-Feb; 2(1): 377-380. Hypothyroidism is a clinical syndrome resulting from a deficiency of thyroid hormones, which in turn results in a generalized slowing down of metabolic processes. Hypothyroidism affects 2% of adult women and 0.1-0.2% of adult men. Thyroid hormones exert direct cellular effects on almost all tissues of the body. It causes multi-organ dysfunction due to deranged metabolism. Objectives: To study Electrocardiographic and echocardiographic evaluation of heart in newly diagnosed hypothyroid patients. Methods: This study was a conducted as a prospective study carried out from January 2012 to July 2013 at Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences. The criteria for diagnosis of hypothyroidism was Clinical assessment, Thyroid hormone assay–TSH - >5 μIU/ml, FT4 - < 0.7 ng/dl, FT3 - < 2.4 pg/dl. Investigations like Complete Blood Picture, Complete Urine Examination, Random Blood Sugar, Blood urea, Serum Creatinine, Fasting lipid profile, Chest X Ray, Standard 12 Lead ECG were done. Results: On systemic examination, Cardiomegaly and diminished heart sound was found in 13.3% and 9.99% patients. Normal ECG is found in 36.66% of patients before treatment and 66.66 % after treatment. Bradycardia is most common finding seen in 6 patients counting for 20%, followed by low voltage complexes and ST changes in 16.66% patients respectively before treatment. Echo findings are normal in 43.33% cases before treatment and 66.66% after treatment. Pericardial effusion and Diastolic dysfunction are the common findings seen in 8 cases each accounting to 26.66% cases, which reduced to 13.3% and 9.99% respectively after management. Systolic dysfunction was found in 9.99% of patients after treatment. Conclusion: Hypothyroid state, which has significant impact on cardiac structure/function associated with increased CVS morbidity and mortality is reversible with treatment.enHypothyroid statecardiac structuremorbiditymortalityElectrocardiographic and Echocardiographic Evaluation of Heart in Newly Diagnosed Hypothyroid Patients.Article