Sooriyabandara, SAluwihare, A P2009-05-282009-05-282001-12-08Sooriyabandara S, Aluwihare AP. Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita distal type II associated with facial abnormality, renal abnormality, polydactyly and Hirschprung's disease. The Ceylon Medical Journal. 2001 Dec; 46(4): 156-7 Ceylon Medical Journal.A case of arthrogryposis multiplex congenita distal type II associated with facial abnormality, renal abnormality, postaxial poydactyly and Hirschprung's disease is described. It appears to be a new form of an autosomal recessive disorder.engAbnormalities, MultipleArthrogryposis --pathologyHumansInfant, NewbornMaleArthrogryposis multiplex congenita distal type II associated with facial abnormality, renal abnormality, polydactyly and Hirschprung's disease.Case Reports