Shukla, Vineet VMukadam, Prashant NVaidya, Apurva PPatel, Dhaval V2023-07-142023-07-142021-06Shukla Vineet V, Mukadam Prashant N, Vaidya Apurva P, Patel Dhaval V. Liver Injury in Abdominal Trauma: Management and Association with Other Solid Abdominal Organ Injury. GCSMC Journal of Medical Sciences. 2021 Jun; 10(1): 13-172278-7399 and objective : Blunt abdominal injury remains one of the commonest injuries. The solid organs, namely the Liver, Spleen & Kidney are the most commonly injured intra-abdominal organs. Non operative line of management is now considered the line of treatment for patients with intra-abdominal organ injury who are hemodynamically stable. In the case of polytraumatized patients with open or blunt abdominal trauma, the liver is the most frequently injured abdominal organ. Earlier, surgical treatment was the standard procedure globally for all kinds of trauma-related liver injuries. However, development of new interventional radiological techniques has changed the paradigm towards a non-surgical patient management. Methodology: An observational study of 50 patients with solid organ injuries of the abdomen following abdominal trauma admitted over a period from July 2018 up to August 2020 was carried out. Patient management either operative or conservative was decided on basis of hemodynamic status and they were divided in groups OP (Operated) and NOM (Non Operative Management). Interpretation and conclusion : In our study, majority of liver injury were treated conservatively. Splenic injury patients were mostly managed by operative intervention and renal injury patients were managed according to grading of organ injury.Abdominal TraumaHemodynamic statusOperativeSolid organ injuryLiver Injury in Abdominal Trauma: Management and Association with Other Solid Abdominal Organ InjuryJournal ArticleIndiaProfessor, General Surgery Department, Amc Met Medical College, Maninagar, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India