Revathi, Dr. M.Vemparala, Dr. Sai ShanmukhRani, Dr. M. Usha2023-07-212023-07-212023-04Revathi Dr. M., Vemparala Dr. Sai Shanmukh, Rani Dr. M. Usha. PERCEPTION OF FIRST YEAR MBBS STUDENTS TOWARDS ECE (EARLY CLINICAL EXPOSURE) IN PHYSIOLOGY.. Global Journal For Research Analysis . 2023 Apr; 12(4): 16-172277-8160 : Early Clinical Exposure is a teaching learning method which enables student to learn basic sciences effectively and retain the information which bene?ts patient and promotes better patient care. Hundred students selected after applying inclusion exclusion criteria divided into 2 groups A and B taught Methodology : basal ganglia and thyroid physiology in conventional method and other in ECE integrated method respectively and after interchanging groups, demonstrating the clinical features of parkinsonism and hypothyroidism for ECE group. A pretest and post-test were conducted preceding and following lecture in both settings. The results obtained were interpreted using Results : excel. The mean of pre-test marks for Traditional teaching and ECE integrated teaching are 5.62±2.42 and 4.58±2.33 respectively and the post-test scores of Traditional and ECE teaching are 10.62±2.52 and 12.8±2.46 respectively. Discussion : Majority considered that the synchronisation of classroom learning with clinical experiences was bene?cial, and the majority believed that integrated teaching improved understanding of the practical applications of physiology. Through Conclusion : this study we conclude that ECE integrated teaching is more effective in imparting knowledge in ?rst MBBS students as the gap of imagination was bridged by live demonstration with help of patient which is re?ected in the Likert scale and in the scores. Though the ECE integration is a tough job for the teacher, it is a great learning tool for students.Early Clinical ExposureTraditional teachingconventional teachingLikert scaleClinical demonstrationFirst MBBSPre-testPost-Test.PERCEPTION OF FIRST YEAR MBBS STUDENTS TOWARDS ECE (EARLY CLINICAL EXPOSURE) IN PHYSIOLOGY.Journal ArticleIndiaDepartment Of Physiology, Andhra Medical CollegeProfessor And Head, Department Of Physiology, Andhra Medical College. *Corresponding Author