Bajaj, GRattan, AAhmad, P1990-03-012009-05-301990-03-012009-05-301990-03-01Bajaj G, Rattan A, Ahmad P. Circulating immune complexes in tuberculosis--an indicator of activity. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 1990 Mar-Apr; 57(2): 203-7 immune complexes (CIC) were assayed in 100 cases of tuberculosis and 30 age matched control children. The estimation was done by PEG assay before the commencement of antitubercular therapy. CIC were present in only 3.3% of the control children as compared to 68% of children with tuberculosis. The presence of CIC was observed to vary with the type of tuberculosis. The percentage positivity was highest (100%) in children with miliary tuberculosis. Subsequent estimation of CIC done after one and three months of antitubercular therapy showed a marked decrease in the percentage of positive cases (6.1 and zero percent respectively).engAntigen-Antibody Complex --bloodChildHumansTuberculosis --bloodCirculating immune complexes in tuberculosis--an indicator of activity.Journal Article