Bhaskaran, RRavikumar, APrakash, MEapen, S2000-04-292009-05-302000-04-292009-05-302000-04-29Bhaskaran R, Ravikumar A, Prakash M, Eapen S. Familial infantile myaesthenia. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. 2000 Apr; 48(4): 439-40 report a family of two brothers with familial infantile myaesthenia which is an autosomal recessive congenital myaesthenic syndrome. It is a presynaptic neuro muscular junction disorder, responsive to treatment and has got good prognosis.engAdolescentChildCholinesterase Inhibitors --therapeutic useHumansMaleMyasthenic Syndromes, Congenital --drug therapyFamilial infantile myaesthenia.Case Reports