Kafee, Md. AbdullahelMoben, Ahmed LutfulKabir, Md. JahangirRaha, ArunaghsuRazzak, Brig. General Md. Abdur2020-09-242020-09-242019-05Kafee Md. Abdullahel, Moben Ahmed Lutful, Kabir Md. Jahangir, Raha Arunaghsu, Razzak Brig. General Md. Abdur. Frequency of Peptic Ulcer Disease Increases with Severity of Cirrhosis of Liver: Experience of Tertiary Level Hospital of Dhaka. International Journal of Medical Research Professionals. 2019 Jul; 5(3): 227-2302454-63642454-6356http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/203358Introduction: Cirrhosis of Liver is prevalent in Bangladesh.PUD can coexist with portal hypertension with cirrhosis.Objectives: To identify frequency of peptic ulcer diseaseincreases with severity of cirrhosis of liver.Materials & Methods: Consecutive 96 patients of cirrhosis ofliver had enrolled when found oesophageal varices at ourendoscopy unit during endoscopic evaluations in 4 monthsperiod (August 2017 to November 2017).Results: Total cirrhotic patients enrolled were 114 (M=75,F=39), mean age was 51.80 ± 14.20 yrs (18-86years). HBVwas the leading cause of cirrhosis in 54.18%, HCV 5.22 %,proven NASH were 12.24% and rest were from unknownaetiology. Their average CTP score were 8.6 (12-5), 37.6%associated with portal hypertensive gastropathy. Grade-IIIoesophageal varicose found in 52 patients, whereas grade-II in25 patients. Among this 114 patients 46 (40.62%) revealedpeptic ulcer disease more in the form of gastric ulcer (n=31)than duodenal ulcer (n=10) and both (n=5).Most of the ulcersbelonged to Forrest class III (76.92%).Conclusion: Variceal bleeding and portal hypertensivegastropathy in patients with liver cirrhosis are prevalent causesof bleeding and anaemia. One of the potential causes ofhaematemesis, melaena, and anaemia among these patientsin Bangladesh has been discovered to be peptic ulcer illness.To verify the findings, large, multicenter-controlled trials arerequired.Peptic Ulcer DiseaseCirrhosis of LiverPortal Hypertensive GastropathyFrequency of Peptic Ulcer Disease Increases with Severity of Cirrhosis of Liver: Experience of Tertiary Level Hospital of DhakaJournal ArticleIndiaMBBS, FCPS (Medicine), MD (Chest Diseases),Assistant Professor (Medicine), Kurmitola General Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.MBBS, MD (Hepatology),Assistant Professor (Hepatology), Kurmitola General Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.MBBS, MD (Gastroenterology),Assistant Professor (Gastroenterology), Kurmitola General Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.MBBS, MCPS (Medicine), FCPS (Medicine), APLAR Fellow in Rheumatology, Professor and Head,Department of Medicine, Armed Forces Medical College and Kurmitola General Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh.