Tint Zaw Lin2015-11-192015-11-192014-12-01Tint Zaw Lin. GIST in small intestine. Myanmar Medical Journal. 2014 December; 56 (3): 53-56.http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/16603363 years old man was referred to surgical ward of Monywa General Hospital on 26-7-2012 for recurrent attack of passing melaena stool. Patient received 5 units of blood for severe anemia in preoperative period. Emergency operation was done on 28-7-2012 after he had undergone US abdomen and upper GI endoscopy. At operation, there was a large mass arising from jejunum. Tumor was resected and histology of tumor revealed Gastrointestinal stromal tumor [GIST]. Patient wasdischarged with no further bleeding.94p.enMyanmar Medical AssociationBleedingSmall intestineGastrointestinal Stromal TumorsGIST in small intestine.Article