Khare, RamPal, SanjayJambhulkar, Neeketan2020-09-242020-09-242019-06Khare Ram, Pal Sanjay, Jambhulkar Neeketan. Clinical Relevance of Modified Alvarado Score in Acute Appendicitis in Present Scenario. International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research . 2019 Jun; 6(6): f5-f112393-915X2454-7379 With the advent of laparoscopic surgery,urologists once again found it necessary to traverse theperitoneal cavity in order to provide their patients with thebenefit of this less invasive type of surgery. In this study westudied the prevalence of laparoscopic urological surgeries,ergonomics involved, difficulties faced and complicationsrelated to laparoscopic procedures.Material and methods: It was a prospective hospitalbased non-randomised study carried out among 36 indoorcases operated using various laparoscopic procedures vizlaparoscopic pyeloplasty, laparoscopic pyelolithotomy,laparoscopic nephrectomy, laparoscopic ureterolithotomy etc.admitted under department of general surgery in a tertiaryhealthcare teaching instituteResults: In the present study, out of 31 cases, 20 casespresented with diagnosis of renal stone disease (Renal pelviccalculi, staghorn renal calculi and ureteric calculi). Total 5cases i.e 16.12% cases were having diagnosis of chronic nonfunctioning kidney while 3 cases (9.67%) were presented withrenal cell carcinoma. 3 cases (9.67%) presented with pelviureteric junction obstruction.Conclusion: Laparoscopic pyelolithotomy in extrarenal pelvisis a good procedure as pelvis can be reached easily especiallyif pelvis is dilated and Laparoscopic ureterolithotomy inabdominal ureter is a promising surgery as entire ureter canbe visualized so stones are easily detected and surgeon has abetter control of proximal ureter in case of slippage of calculasLaparoscopic Urological SurgeriesLaparoscopic UereterolithotomyLaparoscopic PyelolithotomyLaparoscopic NephrolithotomyErgonomicsStudy of Laparoscopic Management of Urological Diseases at Tertiary Care CentreJournal ArticleIndiaResident, Department of General Surgery, Government Medical College, NagpurResident, Department of General Surgery, Government Medical College, NagpurAssociate Professor, Department of General Surgery, Government Medical College, Nagpur, India