Chandra, SnehaDevi, M ParvathiGupta, ApoorvaRavindra, S V2015-07-102015-07-102015-05Chandra Sneha, Devi M Parvathi, Gupta Apoorva, Ravindra S V. Liposarcoma: A Rare Case Report with Review of Literature. IJSS Case Reports & Reviews. 2015 May; 1(12): 22-26. is one of the most common malignant mesenchymal neoplasms, comprising approximately 15% of all soft-tissue sarcomas. First described by “Virchow” in 1857, it has been extensively reported in the literature, although its incidence remains exceedingly rare in the head and neck region with an annual incidence estimated to be 2.5/1 million inhabitants in population-based studies. It is one of the most common malignant mesenchymal neoplasms, comprising approximately 15% of all soft-tissue sarcomas. It is a heterogeneous disease with distinct sub-entities presenting with differential clinical behavior. The purpose of this article is to report an additional case of liposarcoma of the buccal vestibule and to review the literature.enHead and neck neoplasmLiposarcomaMesenchymal neoplasmsSoft tissue sarcomaFemaleHead and Neck Neoplasms --diagnosisHead and Neck Neoplasms --epidemiologyHead and Neck Neoplasms --radiographyHumansLiposarcoma --diagnosisLiposarcoma --radiographyMiddle AgedNeoplasms, Connective and Soft Tissue --diagnosisNeoplasms, Connective and Soft Tissue --epidemiologyNeoplasms, Connective and Soft Tissue --radiographyReview Literature as TopicSarcoma --diagnosisSarcoma --epidemiologySarcoma --radiographyLiposarcoma: A Rare Case Report with Review of Literature.Article