Nagarkar, K MDey, A BRay, RChaudhury, DKhilnani, G CKumar, V1997-11-072009-05-311997-11-072009-05-311997-11-07Nagarkar KM, Dey AB, Ray R, Chaudhury D, Khilnani GC, Kumar V. Prolonged pyrexia in a diabetic due to systemic aspergillosis. Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. 1997 Nov; 45(11): 887-8 patients are susceptible to a variety of opportunistic infections. Systemic aspergillosis is one such common infection in neutropenic subjects. A case of primary cutaneous aspergillosis with fungimia in a diabetic is reported.engAspergillosis --complicationsDermatomycoses --complicationsDiabetes ComplicationsFemaleFever --etiologyFungemia --complicationsHumansMiddle AgedOpportunistic Infections --complicationsProlonged pyrexia in a diabetic due to systemic aspergillosis.Case Reports