Chattopadhyay, AnindyaNagendhar, YogaKumar, Vijay2004-06-012009-05-302004-06-012009-05-302004-06-01Chattopadhyay A, Nagendhar Y, Kumar V. Osteosarcoma of the rib. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 2004 Jun; 71(6): 543-4 osteosarcomas arising from the rib are very rare. The authors report an 11-year-old boy with a primary fibroblastic osteosarcoma of the rib, who underwent wide excision and reconstruction of the chest wall followed by chemotherapy. He is disease free after a follow up of 24 months. The relevant literature is reviewed briefly.engBone Neoplasms --diagnosisChildHumansMaleOsteosarcoma --diagnosisRadiography, ThoracicRibs --pathologyTomography, X-Ray ComputedOsteosarcoma of the rib.Case Reports