Someshwar, ShylajaJerajani, Hemangi R2016-09-102016-09-102014-04Someshwar Shylaja, Jerajani Hemangi R. Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reactions. MGM Journal of Medical Sciences. 2014 Apr-June; 1(2): 84-94. adverse drug reaction is one of the most common manifestations of drug allergy. As the knowledge of the morphology of drug induced cutaneous lesions helps in the early identification of even a serious drug reaction, it is mandatory for the treating physician to pick up early signs of these reactions followed by a prompt withdrawal of the suspected drug. The paper discusses the clinical presentation and management of these including severe cutaneous adverse drug reactions. It emphasizes on need of a great amount of skill for its identification and management.enAdverse drug reactionHypersensitivity reactionExanthemaErythrodermaCutaneous Adverse Drug Reactions.Article