Bansal, D CKhosla, D1987-01-012009-05-291987-01-012009-05-291987-01-01Bansal DC, Khosla D. Triple procedure of penetrating keratoplasty, extra capsular cataract extraction and posterior chamber I.O.L. implantation. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology. 1987 ; 35(5-6): 165-7 cases of triple procedure of PKP, ECCE with IOL implantation have been presented and there results discussed.engAdultAgedCataract ExtractionChild, PreschoolCorneal TransplantationHumansLenses, IntraocularMiddle AgedTriple procedure of penetrating keratoplasty, extra capsular cataract extraction and posterior chamber I.O.L. implantation.Case Reports