Ahsan, Syed AliMarufuzzaman, SheikhAdbul Bari, MdSalman, MohammadRahman, Md Mokhlesur2008-08-062009-05-272008-08-062009-05-272008-08-06Ahsan SA, Marufuzzaman S, Adbul Bari M, Salman M, Rahman MM. Outcome of 153 cases of mitral stenosis after percutenuous transvenous mitral commissurotomy. Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin. 2008 Aug; 34(2): 66-8http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/261Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin.engAdolescentAdultBangladeshChildFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedMitral Valve Stenosis --pathologyOutcome Assessment (Health Care)Rheumatic Heart Disease --surgeryYoung AdultOutcome of 153 cases of mitral stenosis after percutenuous transvenous mitral commissurotomy.Letter