Tripathi, AdarshKumar, PankajNischal, A2015-05-092015-05-092008-10Tripathi Adarsh, Kumar Pankaj, Nischal A. Stressful life event presenting as enuresis, dissociative disorder and worsening school performance. Delhi Psychiatry journal. 2008 Oct ; 11 (2): 229-230. life events are associated with various psychiatric problems. Secondary enuresis and dissociative disorders both may appear in context of traumatic life events. These problems following a trauma may further increase the risk of stress in the family and may in turn result into a vicious cycle of difficulties. We present a case report of stressful life events presenting as enuresis, dissociative disorder and worsening school performance and careful appreciation of situations and rigorous interventions improved the clinical status.enChildDissociative Disorders --diagnosisDissociative Disorders --etiologyDissociative Disorders --psychologyDissociative Disorders --therapyEducational Measurement --psychologyEnuresis --diagnosisEnuresis --etiologyEnuresis --psychologyEnuresis --therapyFemaleHumansStress, Psychological --complicationsStressful life event presenting as enuresis, dissociative disorder and worsening school performance.Article