Khona, PratikC., Ashwini2020-04-232020-04-232018-01Khona Pratik, C. Ashwini. A Study Of Coronary Dominance In Population Of North Karnataka. International Journal of Anatomy and Research. 2018 Jan; 6(1): 5030-50332321-42872321-8967 With the increase in the trend of modern sedentary lifestyle, the coronary heart diseases have alsoincreased. The need to understand coronary artery anatomy in detail has become ever so important because ofwide variations in the anatomy and various anomalies noted in different populations. Knowledge of coronarydominance is important to understand the severity of coronary artery diseases and plan the treatment ofcardiovascular diseases. It determines the amount of myocardium that is perfused by the left or right coronarycirculation.Materials and Methods: 100 adult formalin fixed heart specimens were collected from routine under graduateand post graduate dissection at Belgaum Institute of Medical Sciences, Belagavi irrespective of sex and age. Theorigin of posterior interventricular artery was examined and dissected. Results were noted and compared withprevious studies.Results: Out of 100 specimens studied in 83 (83 %) specimens the posterior interventricular artery was arisingfrom right coronary artery and in other 17 (17%) specimens it arose from Left circumflex artery. In none of thespecimens studied the posterior interventricular artery was arising from both the coronary arteries.Conclusion: The knowledge of normal anatomy and variations of coronary dominance will help interventionalcardiologist, cardio-thoracic surgeons and radiologist of North Karnataka region in proper management ofpatients.Coronary Dominancecoronary artery diseaseLeft coronary dominanceRight coronary dominanceco-dominanceA Study Of Coronary Dominance In Population Of North KarnatakaJournal ArticleIndiaAssistant professor, Dept of Anatomy, Gadag Institute of Medical Sciences, Gadag, Karnataka, India.Assistant professor, Dept of Anatomy, Gadag Institute of Medical Sciences, Gadag, Karnataka, India.