B., Sunitha H.S., Sunil Kumar G.2020-10-162020-10-162019-04B. Sunitha H., S. Sunil Kumar G.. Comparison of efficacy and safety of injectable iron sucrose with oral ferrous ascorbate in the treatment of anaemia in pregnancy. International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2019 Apr; 8(4): 1277-12822320-17702320-1789http://imsear.searo.who.int/handle/123456789/206578Background: Anemia due to Iron deficiency is the commonest malnutrition disorder seen throughout the world and in India. It is also responsible for increased incidence of premature births, low birth weight babies and high perinatal mortality. Hence, the present study undertaken to assess efficacy and safety of injectable iron sucrose with oral ferrous ascorbate.Methods: 100 pregnant women, between gestational age 14 and 28 weeks were divided randomly into two groups i.e. group A consists of oral iron, a total of 200 mg of elemental iron per day, two 100mg iron tablets per day and group B consists of iron sucrose at the rate of 200mg on alternate OPD day. Informed consent was taken from each patient.Results: The percentage rise in hemoglobin at fourth and eighth weeks of treatment was statistically significant when compared to the baseline. Statistically significant rise in hemoglobin, PCV and ferritin levels were found at fourth and eighth weeks in IV group when compared to oral group.Conclusions: This study concluded that intravenous iron sucrose is safe and highly efficacious for the treatment of anemia in pregnancy. It restores iron stores more promptly. Iron sucrose therapy is more effective in achieving the optimum results, an increase in hemoglobin concentration, PCV levels and an increase in ferritin levels also. Therefore, it is a suitable alternative to oral iron with minimal side effects in those patients who cannot tolerate oral iron therapy.AnaemiaIron sucroseFerrous ascorbatePregnancyComparison of efficacy and safety of injectable iron sucrose with oral ferrous ascorbate in the treatment of anaemia in pregnancyJournal ArticleIndiaDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Gadag Institute of Medical Sciences, Gadag, Karnataka, IndiaConsultant, Nandini Hospital, Davangere, Karnataka, India