Alhariqi, Bader AAlamri, NasserBedewi, MohammedAldossari, Khaled K2023-08-092023-08-092022-09Alhariqi Bader A, Alamri Nasser, Bedewi Mohammed, Aldossari Khaled K. Ileal fecaloma in a 2-month healthy boy. Indian Journal of Case Reports. 2022 Sep; 8(9): 308-3102454-13032454-129X fecaloma is a fecal matter that builds up to form a hard mass of feces that is extremely rigid than a mass connected with fecal impaction. Fecalomas are commonly in the rectosigmoid region. Our report aimed to give a brief review of this case and discuss the treatment options for it. A 2-month-old male presented with bowel obstruction and a palpable mass on the right side of the abdomen. A simple abdominal radiograph and contrasted abdominal computed tomography scan were performed immediately, resulting in small intestine mechanical obstruction. A 4.6 � 6.6 � 4 cm fecaloma was found in the distal ileum. We consequently diagnosed a case of ileal fecaloma producing small bowel obstruction. The patient was surgically managed after conservative treatment failed.BowelDistal ileumFecalomaIleal fecalomaObstructionIleal fecaloma in a 2-month healthy boyJournal ArticleIndiaConsultant, Department of Pediatric Radiology, Medical Imaging Administration, King Fahad Medical CityConsultant, Department of Cardiothoracic Radiology, Medical Imaging Administration, King Fahad Medical City, RiyadhAssociate Professor Radiologist, Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Al-KharjAssociate Professor of Family Medicine, Department of Family and Community Medicine, College of Medicine, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Al-Kharj, Saudi Arabia