Soni, Rajesh2014-07-172014-07-172010-04Soni Rajesh. Study of bacteriological pattern of suspected cases of meningitis. National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine. 2010 Apr-Jun; 1(2): 21-25. is an inflammatory condition of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. Present study was carried out to know The pattern of bacteriology of suspected cases of meningitis and to find the rate of susceptibility of various age groups. This work is a bacteriological, cytological and biochemical study of cerebrospinal fluid collected from patients clinically suspected of meningitis, and admitted in Civil hospital, Ahmedabad during the period of 5th April 1999 to 11th May 2000. Higher incidences (34 %) of bacteriological positive cases were found among the patients below one year of age. Most commonly isolated organisms was S.aureus (54.1 %) followed by E.coli and klebsiella. Study shows mortality rate of 29.16 %enMeningitisBacteriological StudyE. ColiStudy of bacteriological pattern of suspected cases of meningitis.Article