Mahajan, AnnilTandon, Vishal RKumar, SudeshKudyar, R PSharma, AnilSingh, Kulbir2016-02-022016-02-022008-07Mahajan Annil, Tandon Vishal R, Kumar Sudesh, Kudyar R P, Sharma Anil, Singh Kulbir. HIV/AIDS in Families. JK Science Journal of Medical Education and Research. 2008 Jul-Sept;10(3): 124-126 is a disease that affects families in a profound and tragic way affecting family structure by erasing decades of health, economic, social progress and reducing life expectancy. There is limited empirical data on HIV/AIDS affected families.The present one and half year prospective study was conducted to identify HIV/AIDS existing in families. HIV/AIDS cases were diagnosed as per the NACO, 2000 criteria.The present study enrolled a total 230 HIV/AIDS patients. 65.21 % (150) of the patients were married and 34.78% (80) were unmarried. Among total unmarried population 27.39% (63) and 6.52% (17) were adults and pediatric population respectively. Among total pediatric population 4 were orphan, 3 were partially orphan with mother alive and 10 were with both parents alive but both positive for HIV/AIDS. Among total married 13.04% (30) were widow/widowers who had lost their spouse, whereas those living with live partner were 52.17% (120) forming a total of 60 pairs of couples. Among these 60 couples 40 of them were both positive for HIV/AIDS, in 15, single partner was positive with interesting finding in one case where male was negative and female was positive and mode of transmission was unclear and in another 5 status of spouse was not known due to unknown reasons. Among 40 couples where both partners were affected, 3 couples were isolated where complete family ie all children were affected by HIV/AIDS; in another 20 couples children’s were not affected; in 4 couples children were partially affected i.e. some children’s were affected; in 9 couples status of their children’s were not evident and another 4 couples were without any issue.The results of present study suggest HIV/ AIDS affects whole family and not an individual and thus whole family should be screened, evaluated, treated and educated for HIV/ AIDS.enHIVAIDSFamilyHIV/AIDS in Families.Article