Naik, SNaik, S RRao, P NBroor, S LMehta, S KSehgal, S1984-01-012009-05-291984-01-012009-05-291984-01-01Naik S, Naik SR, Rao PN, Broor SL, Mehta SK, Sehgal S. HLA antigens in North Indians with idiopathic ulcerative colitis. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology. 1984 Jan; 3(1): 17-8, Ulcerative --geneticsFemaleHLA Antigens --geneticsHLA-A AntigensHLA-B AntigensHumansIndiaMaleMiddle AgedPhenotypeHLA antigens in North Indians with idiopathic ulcerative colitis.Journal Article