Baliarsingh, RatnarenuMishra, SwetaGoyal, Prashant2016-09-292016-09-292015-07Baliarsingh Ratnarenu, Mishra Sweta, Goyal Prashant. Facial and Palatal Talon Cusp on a Mesiodens Associated with Hyperdontia- A Rare Occurrence. Annals and Essences of Dentistry. 2015 July-Sept; 7(3): 1b-6b. teeth or hyperdontia are those that are additional to the normal complement of teeth. Mesiodens is an extra tooth most commonly seen in the premaxillary region, while talon cusp is a well demarcated additional cusp extending form cingulum or cemento- enamel junction to the incisal edge. It is usually present on labial or palatal surface of primary and permanent anterior teeth. Occurrence of talon cusp on a mesiodens is an uncommon phenomenon. This paper presents a rare case of facial and palatal talon cusp on a mesiodens in association with hyperdontia, reported in a 12-year old girl.enHyperdontiamesiodenstalon cuspsyndromeFacial and Palatal Talon Cusp on a Mesiodens Associated with Hyperdontia- A Rare Occurrence.Article