Shah, AJindal, STripathi, SPrajapati, PPatel, S.2023-07-142023-07-142022-05Shah A, Jindal S, Tripathi S, Prajapati P, Patel S.. Correlation Of Spirometry And Six Minute Walk Test (6MWT) In Patients Of Stable COPD . National Journal of Integrated Research in Medicine. 2022 May; 13(2): 07-100975-98402230 - 9969 Spirometryis the GOLD standard for the diagnosis of COPD. This test also grades the severity of the disease which helps in the management of patients.Many times Spirometry is not available in remote areas. In these situations 6MWT can be done. 6 minute walk test (6MWT) is a simple test to assess patient’s functional capacity (ability for day to day activities).Material And Methods:A prospective study was conducted in the department of Respiratory Medicine, AMC MET MEDICAL COLLEGE, L.G. HOSPITAL, AHMEDABAD for 6 months from date of Confirmation of IRB.The patient who was a confirmed and stable case of COPD and who gave consent was taken for the study.Conclusion:The 6MWT plays a major role in measuring the functional status and disease tolerance of COPD patients.Also, it is observed that as severity of FEV1 increses 6MWD decreses.This suggests that in the absence of spirometry 6MWT is a reasonable tool for the assessment of disease severity and functional status in COPD Patients.Spirometry6 Minute Walk TestCOPDCorrelation Of Spirometry And Six Minute Walk Test (6MWT) In Patients Of Stable COPDJournal ArticleIndiaResidentAssociate ProfessorProfessor And HeadAssistant Professor, Department of Respiratory Medicine,AMC MET Medical College,LG Hospital,Ahmedabad