Nadkarni, T DGoel, AShenoy, AKarapurkar, A P1993-01-012009-06-021993-01-012009-06-021993-01-01Nadkarni TD, Goel A, Shenoy A, Karapurkar AP. Cladosporium bantianum (trichoides) infection of the brain. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine. 1993 Jan-Mar; 39(1): 43-4 32 yr old male patient with history of convulsion and bitemporal headache was diagnosed as suffering from tuberculoma based on CT Scan. He worsened after anti-tuberculous therapy. The patient underwent parieto-occipital craniotomy with drainage of abscess. The histopathological examination of brain abscess revealed the infection with cladosporium bantianum. The details of this rare case of opportunist fungal cerebral lesions in healthy individual are reported.engAdultBrain Diseases --diagnosisCladosporiumHumansMaleMycoses --diagnosisCladosporium bantianum (trichoides) infection of the brain.Case Reports